1. How to determine whether a binary tree is left-complete? 就是每一层的node都fill满,最后一层的从左到右fill满.
此题看上去蛮简单,想了好一会, 附上code:
bool isPerfect(BT *root){
if (root == NULL)
return true;
int height = maxHeight(root);
//int numOfNodes = 2 ^ (height+1) - 1;
int numOfNodes = pow(2, height) - 1; //edited in 4/4/2012
int count = 0;
queue<BT *> q;
count += 1;
BT *cur = q.front();
if (cur -> left != NULL){
q.push(cur -> left);
count += 1;
if (cur -> right != NULL){
q.push(cur -> right);
count += 1;
if (count == numOfNodes)
return true;
return false;
}//takes O(n) get height and O(n) to do the count
bool isLeftComplete(BT *root){
if (root == NULL)
return true;
if (isPerfect(root))
return true;
if (!isPerfect(root -> left) && !isPerfect(root -> right))
return false;
if (isPerfect(root -> left) && !isPerfect(root -> right)){
if (maxHeight(root -> left) - maxHeight(root -> right) == 0){
return isComplete(root -> right);
return false;
if (!isPerfect(root -> left) && isPerfect(root -> right)){
if (maxHeight(root -> left) - maxHeight(root -> right) == 1){
return isComplete(root -> left);
return false;
//another case -- edited 4/4/2012
if (isPerfect(root -> left) && isPerfect(root -> right)){
if(maxHeight(root -> left) - maxHeight(root -> right) == 1)
return true;
return false;
关于 isLeftComplete的时间复杂度,觉得是nlogn, 不知道只用BFS能否直接O(n)搞定.尝试了几种O(n)bfs办法,比较复杂.用到的空间比较多.
对isLeftComplete作了几处修改. 需要判断,root是不是perfect, 然后判断root的left right是不是perfect, 总共有5个判断.
2. 实现了如何copy一个linkedlist, 这个list除了有next node,还有一个random node pointer, 也就是:
typedef struct list{
int data;
struct list *next;
struct list *random;
要求: copy完整的list, 还要求不影响原来的list, 时间要求O( n). 附上code, 实现起来没觉得那么容易,还是花了点时间. 已经test.
//copy a linkedlist without the random next pointer
Node *copyList(Node *n){
if (n == NULL)
return NULL;
Node *sub_copy = copyList(n -> next);
Node *newNode = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
if (newNode != NULL){
newNode -> data = n -> data;
newNode -> next = sub_copy;
return newNode;
//copy a linkedlist with the random pointer
//O(n) way
Node *altMergeList(Node *n1, Node *n2){
if (n1 == NULL)
return n2;
if (n2 == NULL)
return n1;
Node *sub = altMergeList(n1 -> next, n2 -> next);
n2 -> next = sub;
n1 -> next = n2;
return n1;
Node *addRandomLink(Node *n){
if (n == NULL)
return NULL;
int count = 0;
Node *prev = NULL;
Node *cur = n;
while (cur != NULL){
if (count % 2 == 1){
cur -> random = prev -> random -> next; //add the link
prev = cur;
cur = cur -> next;
count += 1;
return n; //
Node *getTheCopy(Node *n){
if (n == NULL)
return NULL;
vector<Node *> v;
//get original list back
Node *or_head = n;
Node *or_cur = n;
while(or_cur != NULL){
v.push_back(or_cur -> next);
Node *tt = or_cur -> next -> next;
or_cur -> next = tt;
or_cur = tt;
//get our copied list
return NULL;
Node *head = v[0];
int index;
for(index = 0; index < v.size() - 1; index++){
v[index] -> next = v[index+1];
v[index] -> next = NULL;
return head;
Node *copyListWithRandom(Node *n){
//to get a copy of n
Node *n_cp = copyList(n);
Node *n_alt = altMergeList(n,n_cp);
Node *n_r = addRandomLink(n_alt);
Node *n_result = getTheCopy(n_r);
return n_result;